Volunteer Opportunities at the Thornhill Hort
Our Society, as with any non-profit organization, depends on Volunteers to achieve its goals. There are many ways our members can contribute their ideas, skills and time to ensure our Society continues to succeed and grow.
In 2023, 62 members plus associates volunteered 2506 hours at our activities, programmes and events. Your assistance and commitment are very much appreciated.
We encourage more of our members to help out this year, even if it is only for 2 or 3 hours per month. We especially need more help with our Civic Improvement (Community Beautification) activities, our Spring and Fall Plant and Rummage Sales, the Thornhill Front Garden Recognition Programme and our Garden Tour. As a Volunteer, you would be strengthening our present volunteer base and investing in your Society’s future.
Info for the Committee Chairperson(s) can be found on Page 5 of the current yearbook, and in the membership directory.
The following lists some of our volunteer opportunities:
Serving as a Board or a Committee Member
Assisting at Special Events such as our Plant and Rummage Sales, our Garden Tour, and our Members' Celebrations events
Helping to maintain our Civic Improvements projects
Assisting with our Front Garden Recognition Programme
Be a “garden host / garden sitter” for the Annual Garden Tour
Contributing articles or photos for our Seasonal Newsletter, facebook page and website
Community Outreach to promote our Society and to recruit new members
Welcoming and mentoring our newer members
Participating in Members' Exhibitions
Sharing your ideas about existing or possible new programmes
Submitting photographs for displaying on the website
Member Photography
We've got a tremendous number of talented photographers within our membership. We welcome your submissions for sharing on this website that is accessible to all public for viewing. For inclusion, email your photos to:
