Meeting Location and Contact Information
Thornhill Hort is a unique group of members from both sides of Yonge Street: in Thornhill Vaughan and Thornhill Markham as well as other interested folks from across the GTA. We hold our meetings at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Church Hall when it's possible to meet in person. Currently we run some virtual presentations on Zoom.
We'd love to hear from you! You can reach us by filling in the form below and clicking 'Send'.
Currently We Meet Virtually, and have resumed some In-Person Meetings for 2024!
In-Person Events will take place at:
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall
at 15 Church Lane
Thornhill, Ontario
The Hall is on the north end of the building with easy walk in access.
Doors Open 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Starts 7:30 p.m.
Email: thornhillhort@live.com
It's our goal to enhance communication and understanding between all participating parties. To support that effort, you'll see us display a public crowd notice photo release sign at our meetings, and events. We use photos to record our activities, share our successes, and promote our Society.
May 12, 2020​
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