About Us
The Thornhill Garden & Horticultural Society's members have a common interest in gardening and the greening of our homes and community through horticultural activities.

Sponsored Thornhill FRONT Garden Recognition Program
356 Signs Placed in 2023!
Each year our team
makes its way
through the streets
of Thornhill looking for
beautiful front gardens
with great curb appeal that enhance our community. We placed recognition signs in over three hundred and fifty gardens! This year Board Members worked independently to keep everyone safe!
Thanks to Realtor Paul Zammit for sponsoring our signs.
People often ask,
"How can I get one?"
To be considered, Thornhill residents can self-nominate, or nominate other front gardens by emailing:
thornhillhort@live.com with the address(es).
Nominations for 2024 close on June 25th!
Nominations do not guarantee a sign. Gardens are assessed on the day of visit.
Signs are awarded the end of June/early July depending on the weather.
Late summer we retrieve the signs and store them for use the following year.
Our Society promotes the beautification of Thornhill's public and private spaces by:​
Planting and maintaining trees, plants, shrubs and flowers at several community locations including:​
Bayview/John Garden (southwest corner of Bayview Ave. and John St.)
Percy Bone Parkette (located in Thornhill Park)
Richard A. Jarrell Memorial Garden at the Thornhill Village Library
Alzheimer Society of York Region Magna Sensory Garden (10 Harlech Ct.)
Our Society's members continue to pursue activities and programmes which ensure that we remain relevant and resourceful in an ever-changing time and climate.
We are proud to carry on the vision a few gardeners had in 1914 - that of a Horticultural Society which would promote, and contribute to the beautification of the Thornhill community.
Current Executive Voted in January 2024
At our virtual AGM in January 2024 we confirmed our Board of Directors for the coming year, to two years. Many of our Board have returned.
Bernadette Burns, Eleanor Cosman, Peter Cox, Meriel Gordon, Calin Groza, Esther Ravka, Lenore Sheward, Martin van Dijk.
We are looking for more Board Members. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please email: thornhillhort@live.com
Gardening in Thornhill
Past, Present and Future
Created in 2016